Sunday, July 27, 2014

I'm afraid the blog is being hacked.

I returned home from my Dad's and when I saw was horrifying to a hard blog worked as myself, What I saw will make everyone one who is close and loving to thing blog scared. Other bloggers beware, There is a blog hacker. I should have taken your advice sims...
WARNING: This picture includes swear words made by the hacker. If you are a small child, or have small childrem with you, I advise you cover thier eyes imediately or leave the room.
I'm sorry I might have to delete this blog...


  1. Omg. Im scared as heck now *^* i will delete kittys and unitatos omg

  2. Potato please check fantage kittys and fantage unitatos and tell me if anything is like wrong because im reslly scared to. But you dont have to.

    1. I will check 4n u don't worry. :) the problem is being fixed it's okay.

    2. Your blog is fine I checked.

  3. Its okay, its never too late to take advice from anyone :P
    And I think I found just the right site 2 days ago.
    Thats protecting the blog from hackers and just in case its hacked...
    Thats getting your hacked blog back.
    Yeah I know, what a computer nerd :P
    And I hope you don't shut this blog down! This was the blog that stopped me from suicide! :(
