I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't take care of this blog. Its a failure because of ME!
I regret taking this blog deeply. I don't know what I'm thinking. This website is a ruin because of me and I only have one way to fix this.
I'm giving up my spot of co-owner. I'm really sorry, but I don't deserve it.
So if anyone remembers Tuna (Sudden Death) and her co owner contest, here are the rules...
Name you like to be referred as:
Do you know how to put in HTML codes?:
Do you have experience with blogging? How?:
How are you going to help with my blog?:
Can you handle making posts without using "fantage language"?:
How great is your spelling and grammar?:
Have you been a moderator or owner in a blog's chat before?:
Have you had fights with anybody in a xat chat?:
Do you know how to change your name and picture in the xat chat box?:
Why do you want to be co owner?:
What is your relationship with me?:
Do you swear excessively?:
Would you fight with a person of different culture/religion because you don't agree or like their culture or religion on my blog?:
How did you discover my blog?:
How much do you want to become co owner?:
Why can I trust you with my blog?:
So, can you put those answer down? Thank you do much. Sorry if it says "My Blog" its because I can't really edit things with different font...
Please try out. I hope the right person will get this. I won't be able to be on as much, I'm going to be honest... I'm slowly dying...
I love you all,
I'm so sorry.