Free Accounts

Okay So most of these are going to be from my friend Nutella! She's a mod in chat make sure to thank her!

Username: tupac22

Password: bluewolf66


Username: funstuffs

Password: funnys1


Username: rocky9120

Password: pachia1

Username: harry_potter_fan

Password: fantage101

Username: michaelt19

Password: mikey1978

Username: harleynna

Password: misspretty1

Username: KandyKrush


Username: awesomegirl9902

Password: kathleen9

Username: princestephen

Password: hotmess1

Username: Squid_Baby

Password: freeacc1

Username: BakinPancakes

Password: FantSquids000606

Please don't ban these accounts I will put more soon!


  1. I has one... >u<
    U- zany_xroo
    P- kaila725
    honestly shes a non... like xen but shes GREAT!! C:

  2. Instead of KandyKrush I'll have funstuffs

  3. Sorry lol one more princestephen please sorry again lol this is my last one xD SORRY

  4. To all of you asking for those accounts, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you due to lack of being online.
